November 1st

Have you ever dreaded a day? Sitting there just waiting for it to approach, and wanting to do anything you can just to skip it? That’s today for me. Summer 2012, I met and fell in love with a little boy named Peter. Sadly, a year ago today he died. To read more about his story check out my old blog You’ll Be In My Heart.

To be honest, when it comes to his death I just try to ignore it. It doesn’t seem real. I thought that when I went back to Uganda this summer it would hit me, but it didn’t for a while. Six weeks into my trip it really hit me that he was gone. From that moment on I went back to pretending that it didn’t happened. Peter feels like a far off memory, a good memory that is slowly slipping away. But the thing is he was here, he was alive and he changed my life. Peter really showed me that threw any circumstance you can still have joy. Even though he was sick he would always be smiling, dancing, running around, and playing.

Peter and I

Sadly, I am in America and wasn’t able to be with his family today. However I have an AMAZING friend who is still in Uganda that bought flowers for Peter’s grave and went and prayed with his family.





Even though today may be hard, I’m glad I was able to meet Peter. He truly has touched and changed my life. I know that he is dancing and laughing with Jesus and I cannot wait to see him again.